John Cahoon is an illustrator and artist from Winston-Salem North Carolina. He has created a world of fairy delights with “A Fairy Field Guide” to the Fairy World. Magical greeting cards. Wood cookie Fairy Spirit animals. Cute eclectic sculptures and jewelry for the young at heart.

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A Fairy Field Guide” was created for my daughter when she was 6 to fulfill her wish to speak to fairies. Each night she would ask a question and set out a boon for them and each morning “they” would have written and illustrated an answer. After more than a year of this, with plenty of late nights for the fairies, when she would carry it around people of all ages would ask about it and express how much they wish they could have one. So I set out to recreate it with a bit more of a narrative. Now featuring an infiltrated secretive organization called “the Order of Fascinations and Fey” or TOOFAF for short, the book reveals the many scholars works on studying the incredible world of the fey and magical creatures.

It is a 160 printed page leather bound book with hand written story telling in “multiple authors” hand writings. Original illustrations and concepts by John Cahoon.

Listed as a KICKSTARTER favorite and funded in 5 days

Please excuse my clumsy website! I’m a better illustrator than a web designer! I hope to get it more workable in the future but for now it shows some of the art I am currently selling and working on! Thanks!

A Fairy Card Deck Puzzle is composed of 55 uniquely illustrated cards that can be used as regular playing cards but when placed together correctly create one large image of Fairies and magical creatures!

Support this project on Kickstarter now.

A recent tent show I attended at The Ardmore Art Walk in Winston Salem

Cork fairy Ornaments

Ceramic Faires I am working on

Fairy Spirit Animals

Dragon Eggs

An example of one of my paintings


Currently working on a card game with adjustable genres.

There will be a Fairy Deck made up primarily of drawings I’ve been doing for commissioned extra pages from A Fairy Field Guide”…

…as well as a Cthulhu themed one with a Medieval version and Pirate version one to come

The cards will have a Tarot card feel but the game itself is much like a deck builder game without the pay to play aspect